The two Maine flags currently fly in front of Luce's home
The following quote is from the vexillologist (one who studies flags) Dave Martucci, who wrote on his website:
Few people know that Maine's first official flag was quite different than the one we see in use today (which is not legally correct according to the act of the Legislature that adopted it). Adopted in 1901 and legal until it was replaced in 1909, the first flag is distinctive (no other flag like it in the world - compare a set of State Flags with the present flag and a set with the first flag); simple (a child can draw it); inexpensive to make (manufacturing costs of approximately 33% of the current flag); and, in my opinion, more expressive of the State of Maine than the present flag (which, by law, is a military color).
Incidentally, Martucci initiated legislation to replace the current flag in 1991 and 1997, but both bills "died a quick death," in his words.
Editorial cartoon from Kennebec Journal at the time when the first bill was introduced.
Perhaps this same argument could be made nineteen years later. I wonder if anyone has calculated how much a savings of 33% on the manufacturing of Maine flags would save the state?
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